Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hello everyone!!

Hi, everyone! My name is Snow, and I am a Disney classic Snow White doll.  A human named Jan got me at the Disney store a few days ago.  Have you guys got any idea how horrible that box is???  You can't move at all!  I wanted a blog so I can write about what I do everyday, since, well let's face it, sometimes being a doll gets a little boring.  The humans are all busy, and you just have to sit on a shelf not moving.  Jan knows I'm alive, but I don't know if anyone else here does.  Anyways, i had to ride in the car all the way upside down in the bag.  There was another doll box next to me, but I couldn't see who was in it.  I felt a little light headed when Jan took me out of the bag.  I mean, I'd been upside down for quite a little while.  I don't think Jan realized, because she apologized when she took me out.  So far Jan seems ok, but she apparently also got a Pocahontas doll at the Disney store too.  I know that because as soon as she'd gotten me out of that gross box (seriously, its horrible), she plopped me on her 'Disney display table' as she calls it, right next to the Pocahontas doll.  Hello???  Awkward alert!!  

I mean, I don't even know her.  I suppose Jan thought we were supposed to all of a sudden become best buds.  -_-   Really!  I mean, we may be dolls, but we have feelings too!  I think Pocahontas was feeling a little awkward too.  Then, as soon as she made sure we weren't going to fall off or something, Jan left us to 'get acquainted'.  Well, don't count on you coming back and we're best friends.  Actually, we didn't say much at all.  
Anyways, we'll see how it goes.  If you're interested in how my little plastic life goes, go ahead and read my blog.  I'm a little nervous how living here is going to turn out.....


  1. Ugh. Exactly. I know what you mean. I thought that I would get along with the 2006 Disney dolls. How very wrong I was! Jeez, they're bullies. You would've thought that since we kinda share a company, we would get along. I mean, if they met my sister, they'd be all, "Yeesh!"

    Yours in Disney dollishness and all that,

  2. Hi, Anna! :-)
    Thank you so very much for commenting! It's very encouraging when starting a blog. ;)

    Pocahontas isn't mean or anything, but I just find it extremely irritating that Jan expects us to become best buds overnight. -_- I mean, really, what does she think this is?

    I'm sorry the 2006 Disney dolls you live with aren't nice. :/. You always run into those kind of dolls sooner or later, I suppose. I just hope Jan doesn't bring home any mean dolls! Try ignoring them. If they know you aren't paying any attention, they won't have anyone to be mean to! ;).

    ~ Snow

  3. Oooh, another Disney Doll blogger! Yay!!

    Humans really can be annoying- just wait until Jan brings in a prince and just sits you there, expecting you to fall madly in love. I'm lucky- I actually already knew the Hercules that MyLittleMegara got for me so our situation wasn't as awkward as it could have been, but still! A few of my friends have been stuck there and it's NOT a pretty place.

    Meg <3

  4. Hi, Meg!! :-)
    Yep, another Disney Doll blogger here, though I haven't updated in forever. Embarrassing. Maybe I can be clever and title my next post "For the First time in Forever"? ;-)

    I know, seriously. Humans can certainly be annoying. Please, please don't tell me that Jan is going to bring a prince doll in!!! Please?? Anybody?? Ok, fine. She had better not. I don't have a problem with falling in love and and all that, but I don't want to be set up with somebody, ok?? Got that, Jan?? She probably won't listen anyways. -_- I'm sure it wasn't a pretty place for your friends; thank goodness that at least you already knew the Hercules doll MyLittleMegara got. :/


    Anyways, thank you very much for commenting, Meg!! It's nice to have an online blogging friend; especially when you're a doll!! They aren't many of us Disney Doll bloggers around, as far as I know. :-)

    ~ Snow

  5. So far, I know about four of us. Me, You, Belle at Belle's Bulletins, and Rapunzel at Rapunzel's Ramblings.

    "For the First Time in Forever" would be a great post title- the army of Anna dolls here would love that! I mean, MyLittleMegara has at least six 12 inch Annas, plus I've seen a few others of various sizes all over the house. It's like a swarm of Anna dolls! And don't even get me started on her latest Tangled binge...

    Meg <3

    1. Ooohhh, I didn't know about Rapunzel's blog!! I just followed her. :-)

      Haha, I guess having six 12" Annas around might seem like an army, huh? I don't think I'd be able to keep them all straight!! :P. Come to think of it, Jan doesn't have any Tangled dolls around here yet.....of course, she'll probably read this and then go buy every single one she can find. ;-)

      ~ Snow

    2. Let's see... there's Anna, Elizabeth, Mattie, Kristen, Annette, Ivy, and the new girl whose name I don't know for Anna.

      As for Rapunzel, there's Rapunzel, Posy, Cress, and Ru.

      Not to mention the two other Megs: Gabrielle and Aria...

      I think you can guess MyLittleMegara's favorite characters from this, hahaha!

      Meg <3
